Skin Complications of Orthopedic Procedures and Devices
Background: Knowledge of skin complications and contributing factors in orthopedic patients is important for design and development of preventive approaches. Therefore, this study was designed to assess skin complications in orthopedic patients.
Methods: In this case-series study, 126 orthopedic patients referred to Rasoul-e-Akram and Bahman hospitals from 2012 to 2016 with skin complications were analyzed. The adverse effects were assessed with respect to type and contributing factors. Fisher's exact test, Chi-square, and independent sample t-test were performed to assess the associations between skin complications and other variables.
Results: Skin complications in orthopedic patients included infections in 33 (26.1%) cases and hypersensitivity reactions in 88 (40%) cases. In total, 66 (55%) cases of fracture and 35 (29.2%) cases of cellulitis were detected, while the remaining cases involved complications such as disc herniation, nerve involvement, and osteoarthritis-related arthroplasty. Severe reactions presenting as toxic epidermal necrolysis were observed in 3 patients, 2 of whom died eventually. Age and gender were not related to the type of skin complications (P>0.05).
Conclusion: Complications due to orthopedic treatments were not common. However, since the disease may become fatal on certain occasions, patients should receive more attention from physicians and nurses.
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Issue | Vol 47 No 12 (2018) | |
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Skin complication Orthopedic procedures Orthopedic devices |
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