Prevalence and Associated Factors of Overweight or Obesity and Abdominal Obesity in Iranian Population: A Population-based Study of Northwestern Iran
Background: This population-based study aimed at investigating the prevalence and associated factors of overweight /obesity and abdominal obesity in Iran.
Methods: The study population consists of 2818 inhabitant of the urban and regional area of East-Azerbaijan, Iran in 2015. The weight, height and waist circumferences were measured and the body mass index (BMI) and conicity index were calculated. The ANCOVA and logistic regression were used for statistical analysis.
Results: Prevalence of overweight, obesity and abdominal obesity was 39.6%, 24%, and 76.4% respectively. Women showed the higher prevalence of obesity (32.2%) and abdominal obesity (81.4) than men (obesity: 15.1%; abdominal obesity: 68.6%). Age, marriage and family history of obesity were independent predictors of obesity in the population (P< 0.001). In men and women, nonsmokers (P<0.01) and subjects having more than two kids (P< 0.001) were also more expected to be overweight or obese and abdominally obese respectively.
Conclusion: More actions mostly focusing on education and physical activity levels, and changing eating habits are required.
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Issue | Vol 47 No 10 (2018) | |
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Adults, Overweight, Obesity, Abdominal obesity |
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