The Prevalence of Lymphatic Filariasis in Elementary School Children Living in Endemic Areas: A Baseline Survey Prior to Mass Drug Administration in Pekalongan District-Indonesia
Background: WHO initiated lymphatic filariasis (LF) elimination globally. Pekalongan District, as LF endemic area, started a program of mass drug administration (MDA) to combat LF in 2015. This study aimed to determine prevalence of Wuchereria bancrofti infection prior to the MDA.
Methods: LF infection was detected by the existence of circulating filarial antigen (CFA) W. bancrofti using immunochromatographic card test (ICT). The study population consisted of 1404 elementary school (ES) students living in Pekalongan District. Overall, 1033 were selected as study subjects. Prevalence survey was also conducted on 436 general population in areas where infected students were found.
Results: The subjects ranged from 7-17 yr old (mean 9.85±1.296) and equally distributed between both sexes. Prevalence of W. bancrofti infection was 1.98% in children. Infection was mostly found in older students (12 yr old), male, in 6th grade, but did not differ significantly (P=0.129, 0.376, and 0.212 respectively). On the other hand, distribution of infection was significantly different by school (P=0.009) and sub-district (P=0000). Most of children with LF infection were found in Tirto Sub District. In general population, the prevalence of W. bancrofti infection in Tirto was 4.4%. Proportion of infection in males (12.2%) was greater than females (3.8%), with 78.9% of positive cases were in adult over 20 yr old.
Conclusion: Cases of W. bancrofti infection exist in Pekalongan District, both in children and adults. Implementation of MDA must be carefully monitored in order to achieve elimination target.
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Issue | Vol 47 No 10 (2018) | |
Section | Original Article(s) | |
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Mass treatment, Wuchereria bancrofti, Elimination, Filariasis, Children |
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