The Frequency of Resistance Genes in Salmonella enteritidis Strains Isolated from Cattle
Background: Salmonella enteritidis causes infections in humans and animals. Antibiotics are used to eliminate bacterial infections, which become resistant to antibiotics after a while. This study aimed to isolate S. enteritidis from cattle feces samples and also to evaluate the frequency of genes associated with multi-drug resistance (MDR).
Methods: One hundred ten fecal samples of cattle were collected from Jul to Dec, 2017 in Khuzestan Province, southern Iran. Bacterial culture and molecular methods were used to isolate and identify S. enteritidis. Disk diffusion method was used to assess antibiotic susceptibility. Then Polymerase chain reaction (PCR), assay was used for definitive diagnosis of S. enteritidis and resistance genes.
Results: Overall, 101 (91.81%) samples were detected to be contaminated with Salmonella genus and 86 samples (85.14%) were identified as S. enteritidis. The highest and lowest antibiotic resistance were belonged to gentamicin (n=70, 81.39%), and tetracycline (n=6, 6.97%). Besides, 64 samples (74.42%) had 2-10 drugs resistance patterns. Moreover, the highest and the least resistance were related to blaIMP-1 (n=73, 84.88%) and tet(B) (n=49, 56.97%) genes respectively.
Conclusion: The drug-induced genes in S. enteritidis have a high frequency. Therefore, antibiotic resistance and high MDR to antibiotics can be due to the incorrect use of antibiotics and the lack of health monitoring in Cattle farms.
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Issue | Vol 49 No 5 (2020) | |
Section | Original Article(s) | |
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Salmonella enteritidis Resistance gene; Multi-drug resistance; Cattle |
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