Original Article

Statistical Data Analysis on the Trends of Time Series Activities: Potential Correlation between Computer-based Activity and Health Lifestyle Activity


Background: We aimed to investigate the trends of interested and extra time spending activities in order to find potential correlation between computer-based activities (CBA) and healthy lifestyle (HLA).

Methods: Information was adapted from the South Korea governmental open source database which gathered from official measurement statistical results. Various types of the interested and extra time spending activities were categorized into eight main activities based on the library research and expert comments. Moreover, two main categories of sports and outdoor activity (S&OA) were found to be attributed to HLA. Descriptive and analytical statistics analyses, besides correlation analysis were conducted; through Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for normalizing data and Fisher's exact test for making the comparison.

Results: Among demographic variables, watching and listening as well as social activities, were the most interesting activities for almost all citizens, furthermore computer games and social network system (CG&SNS) were found to have a negative association with HLA.

Conclusion: Newly emerged computer-based activities, such as game behavior, would be among the main determinates of the HLA. The associated implications are provided to assist the authorities and governments in making the policy and planning.


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Computer-based activities Healthy lifestyle Time series activities Leisure time activity Korea

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REZAEI M, CHUNG M, JEONG T. Statistical Data Analysis on the Trends of Time Series Activities: Potential Correlation between Computer-based Activity and Health Lifestyle Activity. Iran J Public Health. 2018;47(9):1291-1298.