Biochemical Profile of an Adult Diabetic Population from Algeria in Relation with Anthropometric Parameters, Age and Gender
Background: Diabetes is now a real global disease in particular due to various health problems associated with it. This study aimed to establish the relationship between diabetes and some biochemical parameters to assess the metabolic profile of an adult diabetic population in the region of Tebessa (Northeast Algeria).
Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted at the Public Health Facility and the House of Diabetics in Tebessa between Feb 2013 and Apr 2013. The study included 200 subjects (100 controls and 100 diabetics) aged 18-85 yr, chosen completely randomly.
Results: Type 2 diabetes mellitus (37%) was significantly more frequent than type 1 diabetes mellitus (13%). It was significantly more frequent in women than in men. The diabetes was highly correlated with the age and body mass index of patients. Moreover, the two types of diabetics have significantly more diseases and metabolic disorders compared to control subjects.
Conclusion: Diabetics especially type 2 has significantly higher metabolic disorders and associated diseases than type 1 and control subjects.
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Issue | Vol 47 No 8 (2018) | |
Section | Original Article(s) | |
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Laboratory medicine Type 1 diabetes mellitus Type 2 diabetes mellitus Body mass index |
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