Original Article

Level and Factors Associated with Participation in Population-Based Cancer Screening in Safranbolu District of Karabuk, Turkey


Background: Cervix, breast and colorectal cancers are included in the national population-based screening (PBS) program in Turkey. This study aimed to assess participation in PBSs for these cancers and to identify factors associated with participation in screenings in Safranbolu district of Karabuk, Turkey in 2016-2017.

Methods: In this cross-sectional study, separate studying groups for cervix, breast and colorectal cancers were identified, taking into account the target age range specified in the national screening standards. The sample size was determined to be 374 for cervical cancer, 371 for breast cancer and 373 for colorectal cancer in the Epi-Info StatCalc program with a prevalence of 50%, a 95% Confidence Interval (CI) and a 5% error margin. The results of the data collected through face-to-face interview using questionnaires were evaluated with Chi-square tests (P<0.05) and included in the binary logistic regression model.

Results: Participation in PBS at least once between 2011 and 2016 years was 26.2% for cervical cancer, 27.6% for breast cancer and 31.6% for colorectal cancer, whereas the level of PBS or opportunistic screening at least once was 51.1%, 42.7% and 32.2%, respectively. A 2.9-fold increase in participation for the cervical cancer screening was associated with informing women about cervical cancer by the family physicians. Being married and living in the district center showed associations with a higher rate of participation for colorectal cancer screening.

Conclusion: Participation in PBS was low for the 5.5-year period. More effort is needed to increase the effectiveness of the program.

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IssueVol 49 No 4 (2020) QRcode
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Population-based cancer screening Cervix; Breast; Colorectal; Turkey

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How to Cite
ÖZDEMIR R, TÜRKMEN ÇEVIK F, KES D, KARACALI M, ÖZGÜNER S. Level and Factors Associated with Participation in Population-Based Cancer Screening in Safranbolu District of Karabuk, Turkey. Iran J Public Health. 2020;49(4):663-672.