The Perceptions of Physicians and Nurses Regarding the Establishment of Patient Safety in a Regional Teaching Hospital in Taiwan
Background: Physicians and nurses are core staff who are the first points of contact in care provision to patients. We aimed to examine physicians’ and nurses’ perceptions of patient safety in a case hospital by administering the Chinese Safety Attitude Questionnaire (CSAQ), developed from the Taiwan Joint Commission on Hospital Accreditation, in order to provide the patients with a safe environment and excellent medical service.
Methods: An intra-organizational online survey was conducted. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was first performed on the assessment of the measures for patient safety culture and seven dimensions with 33 items were identified. Pearson correlation analysis was subsequently used to examine the strength and direction of the relationships between seven dimensions of patient safety culture.
Results: A total of 800 questionnaires were issued and 405 valid questionnaires were collected, the effective response rate being 50.6%. The findings highlighted that safety climate (SC) was positively and significantly related to teamwork climate (TC) and perception of management (PM), whereas stress recognition (SR) was negatively related to burnout (BUR).
Conclusion: Patient safety culture in healthcare organizations has been considered a critical issue for improving the quality of healthcare. This study further focused on the contribution of a better patient safety culture for healthcare organizations in Taiwan.
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Issue | Vol 47 No 6 (2018) | |
Section | Original Article(s) | |
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Patient safety Organizational culture Safety attitude questionnaire Confirmatory factor analysis Pearson correlation analysis |
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