Factors Influencing Mobility Relative to Nutritional Status among Elderly Women with Diabetes Mellitus
Background: The prevalence of functional disability is very high among elderly people. Malnourished individuals are less likely to recover from limited mobility and have higher risk of deterioration of functional disability. This study investigated factors influencing mobility relative to nutritional status in elderly women with diabetes mellitus.
Methods: We analyzed data of 464 elderly women with diabetes mellitus, obtained from the 2014 cross-sectional survey of the Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs.
Results: In the well-nourished group, body mass index, difficulties in daily activities due to visual acuity loss, muscle strength, and depressive symptoms were significant predictors of mobility; the explanatory power of this model was 24.0% (F=12.905; P<0.001). In the malnourished group, muscle strength, depressive symptoms, and nutritional status were significant predictors of mobility; the explanatory power of this model was 40.5% (F=16.589; P<0.001).
Conclusion: The level of mobility relative to nutritional status varied widely among elderly women with diabetes mellitus. Therefore, to improve mobility in malnourished elderly people, public health nurses must provide comprehensive nutrition management and a support system in addition to physical and psychological interventions.
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Issue | Vol 47 No 6 (2018) | |
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Aged Diabetes mellitus Mobility Nutritional status |
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