Effects of Circuit Training According to the Feedback Type on Psychological and Physical Health of Workers with Social Anxiety Disorder
Background: The effects of circuit training was investigated according to the feedback type on the psychological (social anxiety, anxiety, positive emotion) health and physical (body composition, physical fitness) health of social anxiety disorder workers.
Methods: Sixty male workers in H Company in Seoul, South Korea with social anxiety disorder were divided into four groups (positive, negative, mixed, no feedback) by conducting a circuit training program in sport center of H company during 3 times per week, total 8 weeks from Feb 1st to Mar 31st, 2017. The results of the pre - test and post - test were analyzed as follows.
Results: 1) In effect of social anxiety, there were significant differences in the positive, negative, and mixed feedback groups. 2) In the effect of anxiety, there were significant differences in the positive, negative, and mixed feedback groups. 3) In the effect of positive emotion, there were significant differences in the positive, negative, mixed, and no feedback groups. 4) In the effect of body composition, body fat mass and body fat percentage have significant differences in the positive, negative, mixed, and no feedback groups. And fat free mass has significant differences in the positive and mixed feedback groups. 5) In the effect of physical fitness, grip strength, wall squat, bending forward have significant differences in positive, negative, mixed, and no feedback groups.
Conclusion: The circuit training program improves the social anxiety disorder and positively affects the psychological health and physical health of participants. To participate in continuous exercise, personal training should be accompanied by the correct feedback of the leader.
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Issue | Vol 47 No Supple 1 (2018) | |
Section | Original Article(s) | |
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Social anxiety disorder Circuit training Health |
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