Original Article

Association between Cigarette Smoking Frequency and Health Factors among Korean Adults


 Background: Recently, there has been  a trend that cigarette smoking rate in Asian and Africa adults has increased while the age group to start smoking has decreased gradually. This study aimed to investigate the relationships between lifetime smoking and hypertension, diabetes, obesity, waist measure, fasting blood pressure and food consumption, in order to look into health status depending on smoking status in Koreans.

Methods: Totally, 1075 men and 697 women with no disease participated in this study, in which one-way ANOVA was conducted by using SPSS version 18.0 for statistical process. The level of statistical significance was 0.05.

Results: As a result of analysis on relationship between lifetime smoking and hypertension, obesity and diabetes, statistically significant differences were revealed.

Lifetime smoking was found to be significantly associated with increased waist measure, higher level of fasting blood sugar, and more ingestion of nutrients (carbohydrate, fat, and protein).

Conclusion: Increased amount of lifetime cigarette smoking was shown to negatively influence various health factors, which might become to be a drive to cause diseases. Therefore, method to improve health factors must be sought for via education and campaign to control an amount of cigarette smoking in Korean adults.



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IssueVol 47 No Supple 1 (2018) QRcode
SectionOriginal Article(s)
Smoking frequency Health factor Korea

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KIM H-N, SHIN M-A, ROH J-H, HAN M-K, WON Y-M, CHO I-R, PARK H-J, LEE T-K, PARK T-K, HA H-M, YANG S-W, MIN S-H, LEE S-Y, LEE S-H, KIM J-H, KWON S-J, LEE Y-S, KO Y-W, KIM I-H, KWAK J-H, JUNG T-G, JEON J-W, OH K-R, HA H-S, KIM M-S, KIM Y-M, KIM M-J, KIM T-Y, CHIN J-H. Association between Cigarette Smoking Frequency and Health Factors among Korean Adults. Iran J Public Health. 2018;47(Supple 1):19-26.