Case Report

Clinical Manifestations and Molecular Biology of One Case of Carney Complex: A Case Report


Carney complex (CNC) is a rare genetic disease. Here, we report a case of CNC and explore clinical manifestations and gene mutation studies of CNC. A male patient with CNC at the age of 16 yr was admitted to Affiliated Hospital of Zunyi Medical University in July, 2015. Although the patient had typical signs of Cushing's syndrome, he also presented with certain rare signs of Cushing's syndrome, such as "freckle-like" scattered spots of pigmentation on the face and around the lips. In addition, concomitant severe osteoporosis led to flattened vertebrae and the compression of corresponding levels of the spinal cord. Radiographic findings revealed adrenal nodular hyperplasia. Based on sequencing, 2 novel heterozygous mutations of the PRKAR1A gene were found. CNC was eventually diagnosed via pathologic biopsy. After 1 year of follow-up, the patient exhibited weight loss, relief of low back pain, normal blood biochemical indicators and cortisol levels at the lower limit of the normal range.


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IssueVol 47 No 4 (2018) QRcode
SectionCase Report(s)
Primary pigmented nodular adrenocortical disease Carney complex Point mutation PRKAR1A gene

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YANG M, LONG B, XU J, YU J, LI X, YE F, YANG B, LIAO Y, LI S, LI Y, ZHOU X. Clinical Manifestations and Molecular Biology of One Case of Carney Complex: A Case Report. Iran J Public Health. 2018;47(4):597-602.