Emerge of NDM-1-Producing Multidrug-Resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Co-Harboring of Carbapenemase Genes in South of Iran
Background: New Delhi metallo-beta-lactamase-1 (NDM-1) is one of the most important emerging antibiotic resistance. Co-harboring three or four carbapenemases is rare and only a few reports exist in the literature. We described the characteristics of the large epidemic outbreaks and reports co-producing blaNDM-1 with the other carbapenemase genes in P. aeruginosa isolates.
Methods: This present cross-sectional research was conducted on 369 P. aeruginosa isolates obtained from burn and general hospitals within years 2013 to 2016. Beta-lactamase classes A, B and D genes were identified by PCR method. Modified hodge test (MHT), double-disk potentiation tests (DDPT) and double disk synergy test (DDST) were performed for detection carbapenemase and metallo beta-lactamase (MBL) production of blaNDM-1 positive P. aeruginos isolates.
Results: From 236 carbapenem-resistant P. aeruginosa (CRPA), 116 isolates have had MBL genes and twenty-nine isolates were found positive for blaNDM-1. In CRPA isolates, blaIMP-1, blaVIM-2 and blaOXA-10 were identified in 27.5%, 21.1% and 32.2% of isolates respectively, while co-producing blaNDM-1, blaIMP-1, blaOXA-10, co-producing blaNDM-1, blaVIM-2, blaOXA-10 and co-producing blaIMP-1, blaVIM-2 were determined in 11 (4.6%), 8 (3.4%) and 27 (11.4%) of isolates respectively.
Conclusion: The finding of this co-existence of multiple carbapenemase resistance genes is threating for public health. Dipicolinic acid is a superior MBL inhibitor in DDPT antique than EDTA in DDST method for the detection of MBL-blaNDM-1 producing P. aeruginosa.
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Issue | Vol 49 No 5 (2020) | |
Section | Original Article(s) | |
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Pseudomonas aeruginosa; New Delhi metallo-β-lactamase (blaNDM-1); Modified hodge test (MHT); Double-disk potentiation tests (DDPT); Double disk synergy test (DDST) |
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