Incidence and Mortality of Various Cancers in Iran and Compare to Other Countries: A Review Article
Background: Iran in recent years had the rapid development of industrialization and modernity, and changes in the people's lifestyles and environment, these changes may affect epidemiological patterns of various types of cancers. In this review, incidence and mortality of various cancers (skin, gastric, esophageal, breast, and prostate) in Iran have been reported.
Methods: The related data about Iran and other countries were collected from databases such as Google Scholar, Scopus, PubMed, EMBASE, and Web of Science. All included studies were published before Jun 2017.
Results: There is an increment trend of incidence and mortality rate for most cancers in Iran.
Conclusion: The plan for control and prevention of cancers must be a high priority for health policy in Iran as well as it is suggested that earlier screening is need for high-risk population.
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Issue | Vol 47 No 3 (2018) | |
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Cancer Incidence Mortality Risk factor Iran |
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