Prevalence of Malocclusion in Permanent Dentition of Iranian Population: A Review Article
Background: The aim of this study was systematic review and meta-analysis of prevalence in current and relevant literature about this developmental disorder to present the profile of malocclusion in Iran.
Methods: This review study was carried out with systematically identified and critically assessed studies reporting malocclusion prevalence among Iranian population in permanent dentition. National and international databases were searched for articles about prevalence of malocclusion by Angle classification in different regions of Iran from 1994 to 2015. After applying inclusion and exclusion criteria, the quality of articles was checked by professional checklist. Data extraction and meta-analysis was performed. A random-effect model was employed. Publication bias was checked.
Results: Of 2768 articles, 21 cases were included .The pooled prevalence of malocclusion was about 87% (95% CI: 78.3–92.2) in Iranian population; however, the prevalence of malocclusion across individual studies varied considerably (ranging from 23.7% to 99.7%). Prevalence of normal occlusion, class I, II and III malocclusion were reported as 13.3% (CI 95%: 7.8–21.7), 50.7% (CI 95%: 42.9-58.4), 21% (CI 95%: 17.5-25.1), 5.5% (CI 95%: 3-10); respectively. Maximum prevalence of malocclusion was in the East of Iran.
Conclusion: The results showed a high prevalence of malocclusion in Iranian population. The baseline information could be appropriately utilized for the future planning to meet the orthodontic treatment need among the Iranian population.
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Issue | Vol 47 No 2 (2018) | |
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Dental malocclusion Prevalence Angle classification Iran |
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