The Resistance to Plague Infection among Meriones persicus from Endemic and Non-endemic Regions in Iran: The Role of Gut Microbiota
Background: The present study was conducted approximately 40 years ago, but its results have not been released. At the time of this study, the importance of the gut microbiota was not fully understood.
Methods: Meriones persicus rodents, as one of the major reservoirs of Yersinia pestis bacterium in Iran, were compared in a disease endemic area (Akanlu, Hamadan, western Iran) and a non-endemic zone (Telo, Tehran, Iran) from 1977 to1981.
Results: This study was able to transmit the resistance to Y. pestis to other rodents creatively by using and transferring gut microbiota.
Conclusion: The study indicated for the first time that the gut microbiota could affect the sensitivity to plague in Meriones in Telo.
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Issue | Vol 47 No 1 (2018) | |
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Gut microbiota Infectious disease Meriones persicus Plague Iran |
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