Evaluation of the Health-related Behaviour of Pregnant Women from Warsaw, Poland
Background: Pregnancy is a period of time when women tend to suffer from the weakening of their psychophysical fitness. This research evaluated several selected elements of the lifestyle of pregnant women compared to those of non-pregnant women.
Methods: Overall, 482 women attended to the Childbirth School in Gynecological-Obstetric Hospital “Inflancka” in Warsaw, Poland, in the years 2011-2013; Group 1 contained 214 pregnant, and Group 2 contained 268 non-pregnant completed a survey inquiry. The research tool applied was Juczyński’s “Inventory of Health Behaviour” (Inwentarz Zachowań Zdrowotnych). In this tool, the author evaluates health behaviors through four separate categories: dietary habits, prophylactic behaviors, mental attitude, and health behaviors. The differences between the data were defined through the Student’s t-test for independent groups, with a minimal level of significance set at P ≤ 0.05.
Results: Pregnant women take care of following a healthy lifestyle. The general health behaviour index figure was significantly higher in Group 1 as compared with the Group 2 (P<0.001). A higher level (P<0.001) of healthy behaviour was typical of physically-active individuals, regardless of their Group (1 & 2).
Conclusion: Pregnancy might cause women to increase their interest in matters of their own health and adopt a healthier lifestyle. Physical activity can influence other health-related practices.
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Issue | Vol 47 No 1 (2018) | |
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Lifestyle Pregnant women Physical activity Health-related behaviour |
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