A Model for the Development of Hospital Beds Using Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (Fuzzy AHP)
Background: This study aimed to identify and prioritize factors affecting the development of military hospital beds and provide a model using fuzzy analytical hierarchy process (Fuzzy AHP).
Methods: This applied study was conducted in 2016 in Iran using a mixed method. The sample included experts in the field of military health care system. The MAXQDA 10.0 and Expert Choice 10.0 software were used for analyzing the collected data.
Results: Geographic situation, demographic status, economic status, health status, health care centers and organizations, financial and human resources, laws and regulations and by-laws, and the military nature of service recipients had effects on the development of military hospital beds. The military nature of service recipients (S=0.249) and economic status (S=0.040) received the highest and lowest priorities, respectively.
Conclusion: Providing direct health care services to the military forces in order to maintain their dignity, and according to its effects in the crisis, as well as the necessity for maintaining the security of the armed forces, and the hospital beds per capita based on the existing laws, regulations and bylaws are of utmost importance.
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Issue | Vol 46 No 11 (2017) | |
Section | Original Article(s) | |
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Health system Military hospitals Fuzzy analytical hierarchy process Multi-criteria decision making |
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