The Existing Approaches to Sexuality Education Targeting Children: A Review Article
Background: We aimed to assess what is already known about sexuality education (SE)-related policy or practical issues using review methods to search and critically appraise the existing SE approaches targeting children under age 12 yr.
Methods: We completed the data collection by an extensive search of the English and Persian published and unpublished literature, evidence from experts in the topic, and by searching citations. The MeSH-terms were sexuality and training, sexuality education and programs or approaches, sexuality and children, sexuality education and parents, sex or sexuality education, sex education and parents or caregivers. A systematic search of medical and health-related databases, the Cochrane Library and Web of Science was undertaken for the years 1970–2015 together with citation searching, reference list checking and recommendations from stakeholders to identify evidence for SE.
Results: According to the inclusion criteria, 20 documents were identified. They were synthesized into three main categories as sexuality-related knowledge, attitudes, and parents’ skills to manage children's sexual behavior and related education. Employed approaches to children's sexuality were reported to be effective in developing healthy sexual behavior in children. Education was identified as the primary focus of the included packages and guidelines. Parents were recognized as first line educators in SE. However, interventions aiming to improve parents' skills in SE for children were limited. In other words, developing skills in parents, and their competency in children’s sexual behavior management were not specified in the existing programs.
Conclusion: Parents’ skill-building must be the focus of SE programs in order to address children' sexual development goals.
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Issue | Vol 46 No 7 (2017) | |
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Sexuality education Children Parents Review |
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